Course Objectives:

 On completion of the course the student teacher will be able to

  •  Understand the nature significance and scope of physical science.
  •  Understand science as both process and product. 
  •  Facilitate development of scientific attitude and scientific aptitude in learners. 
  •  Aware of the various instructional strategies and curricular approaches in teaching physical science. 
  •  Understand scientific method of enquiry. 
  •  Achieve mastery over the methods techniques contents of physical science for transacting. 
  •  Appreciate the fact that every child possesses curiosity about his/her natural surroundings.

Course Objectives:

On completion of the course the student teacher will be able to

_ Understand aims and objectives of teaching physical science in Secondary Schools.

_ Gain a critical understanding of issues in assessment and evaluation (from a

constructivist paradigm)

_ Become cognizant of key concepts, such as formative and summative assessment,

evaluation and measurement, test, examination

_ Be exposed to different kinds and forms of assessment that aid student learning.

_ Become the user of a wide range of assessment tools, and learn to select and construct

these appropriately and

_ Evolve realistic, comprehensive and dynamic assessment procedures that are able to

keep the whole student in view.

Course Objectives:

On completion of the course the student-teacher will be able to

_ Analyse the text book prescribed for secondary level classes.

_ Analyse the context of physical science as a pedagogue.

_ Acquaint with the planning of instruction according to the objectives.

_ Develop unit plan and innovative lesson plans.

_ Develop Micro Lesson in core teaching skills.